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The Great Kobuk Sand Dunes – An Alaskan Oddity

The Kobuk Valley National Park, in Alaska, is a standout amongst the most remotely found national stops on the world. Arranged on the edge of the arctic circle, this park has no streets that prompt it. The best way to achieve it is by foot or sled, or by chartered air taxis. 

No big surprise, it is one of the least visited in the National Park System. Encased inside the 1.7-million-acres park, lies the Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, one of Alaska's actual peculiarities, and a vestige of the gigantic mainland glacial masses that once covered much of North America. 

The Kobuk Valley National Park holds, not one yet three active sand hills: the Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, the Little Kobuk Sand Dunes and the Hunt River Dunes, that together blanket 20,000 sections of land of area, however at one time secured upwards of 200,000 sections of land quickly after the retreat of Pleistocene glaciation. 

The hills were accepted to have framed by the crushing movement of glaciers and consequent affidavit of sand by chilly outwash streams purging into what was before a substantial lake in the Kobuk valley, some 150,000 years ago. The 25-square-km Great Kobuk Sand Dunes constitute the biggest active sand ridges found in the Arctic.  

Wind have shaped the sand into hills that rise as high as 100 feet and are settled by the zone's vegetation. Despite the fact that the ridges are placed near the Arctic Circle, summer temperatures there can take off to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Whatever remains of the recreation center is wetlands structured by the Kobuk River that goes through the park. An extraordinary assortment of natural life is found in the Kobuk Valley, including grizzly and black bears, moose, foxes and other little hide bearing vertebrates, wolves, and various waterfowl. 

The Western Arctic caribou crowd, the biggest in Alaska at 490,000 creatures, goes through the recreation center throughout its relocation from its calving grounds on the northern slants of the Brooks Range to where the group winters south of the range.

Great Kobuk Sand Dunes

Source : Travel Alaska

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