The Tower of Hercules, initially known as the "Farum Brigantium", is an old Roman beacon placed on a peninsula about 2.4 kilometers from the middle of La Coruña, Galicia, in north-western Spain. The tower was most likely raised in the late first or early second century, throughout the rule of Emperor Trajan (98-117), to encourage route along the tough Galicia coastline, on a strategic point on the ocean course linking the Mediterranean to northwest Europe.
The tower remains on a 57 meter high rock, and ascents a further 55 meters, of which 34 meters compare to the Roman brick work and 21 meters to the rebuilding in the eighteenth century, when the tower was enlarged with two octagonal forms.
The first guide utilized a wood-let go framework found on the summit and opening on to the seaward façade. A winding staircase weaved around the outer surface to the top. The tower has been in constant use since the second century and is considered to be the most established existing beacon on the planet.
Tower Of Hercules
Source : wikipedia