Nineteen year old Russian daredevil Alexander Remnev and his group of thrill-seekers like to hang out from the top of tall buildings, quite literally. Once they are at the top, Remnew will whisk out a camera attached to a long pole and take selfies of their accomplishments. Remnev’s stomach beating photographs show him and his friends dangling precariously at astonishing heights, sometimes holding on to the ledge or some structure with a single hand.
Remnev as of late headed out from Russia to Dubai to climb a percentage of the city's tallest high rises and take photographs from the top. The group moved to the highest point of Dubai's Princess Tower, the world's tallest private building remaining at 1,350 feet high and took photographs of themselves.
"We love the height of Dubai – it is a city of high rises. We climbed on top of the same number of as we could," said Remnev to Caters News Agency. "After this outing, structures in Russia appear to be little."
The gathering had no issue getting to the structures, as indicated by Remenev. "In Dubai, there are a lot of open tops. It was not troublesome to ascend to them."
The thrill seeker is some piece of a growing group of "Skywalkers" - transcendently from Russia and Ukraine - who stretch themselves as far as possible looking for dangerous thrills.
Alexander Remnev Russian Photographer
Source : Alexander Remnev