Imagine a scenery circulating with an incredible number of flower petals and leaves. Although this picture may seem like something that would only happen in a dream, international advertising organization McCann requested photographer Nick Meek to bring that perspective to life in a amazing strategy for Sony's new 4K TV, which guarantees the ultimate picture quality with four times the details of full HD TV.
The campaign was taken in Costa Rica, where it took the innovative group and the population of an entire town more than two weeks to pluck the petals of the smartest, most brilliant blossoms around. In total, 8 million flower petals and leaves were gathered, representing the wonderful 8 thousand pixel display of the 4K TV. With the help of a special effects team, the flower petals and leaves were launched onto the lavish Costa Rican scenery, creating breathtaking graphics of flower petals and leaves capturing through the suburbs, erupting from a volcanic, protecting the surface of a road as a skate boarder comes past, and sailing in a river.
The incredibly specific scenery indicate the sharpness and quality of the 4K TV, appealing to embrace the audience in an authenticity. Looking at the pictures and video of the unique experience, it's not hard to think about yourself in the middle of the rich Costa Rican scenery, viewing clouds of flower petals and leaves swirl and dancing in the wind.
Nick Meek Sony Bravia Costa Rica
Source : Nick Meek Website