This floating town is a contemporary idea developed to operate as a present day Noah's Ark. The self-sustaining town was developed by Serbia-based Aleksandar Joksimovic and Jelena Nikolic as a means to support life—from people and animals to fish, vegetation, and trees—in the case of an extreme natural catastrophe.
The offer expands city living out, beyond land, and onto the watery surfaces of the world. The idea is just part of a system of isles that could link marine via canal so that areas could develop and increase over time without the need to be bound to land.
Noah's Ark would be attached by versatile wires linked with the sea ocean and secured around the sides by a walls status more than 200-feet high. The area would provide personal, professional, and leisurely areas for citizens in the non-traditional isle operated by solar, wind, and wave energy. This innovative idea is just one of many concepts of how future generations could choose to live.
Aleksandar Joksimovic Jelena Nikolic Noahs Ark
Source : Evolo website