Wearable technological innovation has lately improved in reputation, motivating product new products like Samsung's Galaxy Smartwatch and Jawbone's Up to appear. Amazingly, though, technical massive Apple hasn't accessed this quickly growing market. Realizing this inconsistency, interface developer Todd Hamilton set out to create a exclusive and well thought-out iWatch concept. Taking motivation from a past mock-up, Hamilton observed several areas in which the design could be enhanced.
Keeping a simple and sleek style similar to the new Nike+ Fuelband, the developer included an enhanced interface structure, making for a wonderful and quickly useful system. A rounded touch screen wraps over the front of the group and is used for nearly all communications apart from the volume controls and home button, which can be found on the edges. In addition to the product style, the sleek look of its iOS works completely with the idea and specific applications (including a new Apple fitness app), which could quickly be utilized through a sequence of swipes. The iWatch is also developed to be able to make phone calls using synced connections from the user's existing iPhone.
Check out the short video, below, to see a quick in-use demonstration of the iWatch. This fancy mock-up is limited to have gossips circulating about Apple's upcoming participation with wearable technical and it will be exciting to see how carefully it may look like this sleek concept.
iWatch Concept Video
iWatch Concept Photo
Source : Todd Hamilton's website