If you are fortunate enough to find the right position to perform, gone are the days of marked white walls and stuffy office cubicles! More and more, huge companies, such as Google and now, Twitter, are offering their employees with a powerful workplace that is creatively attractive as well as favorable to productivity and efficiency.
Located in San Francisco, the new Twitter global headquarters was recognized within two experiences of a historic Art Deco-style building from 1937. It was designed by IA Internal Designers together with Lundberg Design.
Bright, open perform places and team places, vibrant surfaces and furniture—including clues of Twitter's signature blue—and local art encourage workers and generate creativeness while offering an interesting position to go every day. In addition to the meeting rooms and workplaces, workers also have access to a yoga exercises studio room, a fitness space, and a game space, as well as a huge cafeteria and a half-acre rooftop garden.
Inside Twitter Offices
Source : IA Interior Architects website