Designer Sophie de Oliveira Barata focuses primarily on results prosthetics and uses her skills for her exclusive effort known as The Alternative Limb Project. As a professional advisor, working with amputees and their prosthetists, de Oliveira Barata has launched on a exclusive department of prosthetic development that blurs the line between artificial limb alternative and art.
While she also provides her experienced hand at creating realistic limbs, de Oliveira Barata's "surreal" and "unreal" collections of different divisions are the most exclusive and eye-catching destinations, offering a wide range of shade and structure. Each of her styles provide a feeling of individuality, enabling the client to show their character through their artificial appendages. The professional says :
"Having an alternative limb is about claiming control and saying 'I'm an individual and this reflects who I am.'"Sophie De Oliveira Barata The Alternative Limb Project Photo
Source : The Alternative Limb Project