The art of specialist Timber Davy is both motivated by characteristics and consisting of organic components. The specialist, who lives and works in Venice, California, makes what he calling a sense of "Western Zen" with his gravity-defying rock sculptures. His Cantamar and Marble sequence feature a number of gathered stones organized in a hopeless balanced exercise, making one to indicate on its artificial settings and a person's own spiritual techniques.
Davy's Cantamar sequence, known as after the small town in Mexico from which the stones were gathered, provides sculptures with a relaxing development of the light yet vibrant stones. With the aid of invisible metal, each piece is constructed in such a way that they indicate the moving surf of the tides that formed and transferred the stones across the Mexican beach. There is something both organic and inorganic about them. In the same way, Davy's Granite sequence features heavy rocks in gravity-defying arrangements. The difference with these performs is that they are far bigger and magnificent with a lower center of gravity.
Source : Woods Davy website
Woods Davy Cantamar
Source : Woods Davy website