Viganella is a little village in Tuscany situated at underneath of an in-depth area some 130 km northern of Milan. All seems excellent in Viganella except that the village is on the incorrect side of a extreme hill. The area is so deeply that the nearby hills throw a lengthy darkness over the entire village completely preventing the sun for three lengthy months during wintertime months season. On 11 Nov the sun vanishes and does not come back until 2 Feb. "It's like Siberia," one of the village's nearly 200 citizens said.
For hundreds of years, villagers have approved their destiny, until lately, when a local professional and designer came up with a amazing idea: use a reflection to indicate natural light into the village.
In 2005, with the assistance of Pierfranco Midali, the gran of Viganella, 100,000 Euros were raised and the development of the reflection started. In Nov 2006, the 40 rectangle measures reflection, weighting 1.1 plenty, was set up on the other mountain of the hill at an elevation of 1,100 measures. Of course, the reflection is too little to light up the whole town so Viganella's main rectangle right in front side of the chapel was selected. The reflection is computer-operated that follows the sun's direction throughout the day showing natural light onto the village rectangle half a distance away and illumination up an area of 300 rectangle metres for at least six hours a day.
After the reflection was set up, an improvement came over the feelings and behavior of the population. Pierfranco Midali, the gran gives one example relevant to the Weekend Mass: during the cold months months season, individuals usually get back right after the end of it, in contrast to summer time season. But when, thanks to the reflection, the sun shined on the chapel and the village rectangle, individuals did stay outside to talk about with each other.
Viganella’s reflection has attracted attention of thousands of individuals around the world since it was set up six years ago.
Source : christophecauvy