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Best Buy Produces Outcomes of Separate Investigation; New Chairman of the Panel Elected

The Panel of Administrators of Best Buy Co., Inc. (NYSE:BBY) declared that on Sunday, May 12, 2012, it chosen manager Hatim Tyabji to be successful Rich Schulze as Chairman of the Organization, effective at the summary of the yearly conference on May 21, 2012. Mr. Tyabji, currently Chairman of the Examine Panel, has provided as a manager since 1998.

When Mr. Schulze steps down as Chairman, he will become Creator and Chairman Emeritus, an honorary place. Mr. Schulze will offer out the rest of his phrase as manager through May 2013.

"Hatim's history of authority includes technology, store, economical and mobile experience at the most mature stages," said lead independent manager Matthew Paull. "He has established companies, chaired and provided on forums and efficiently led corporations through long-term growth and change. The Panel is thankful for his many years of service and is satisfied to grow his part to Chairman."

"The tale of Best Buy is a amazing United states success tale," said inbound Chairman Hatim Tyabji. "Dick's authority and perspective modified the surroundings of United states store, and he will permanently be recalled as an legendary business owner. We be a part of Best Buy's 167,000 workers in saying thanks to him."

The Panel also openly launched final outcomes of a private research into individual perform suggestions including former CEO Mark Dunn, who reconciled in Apr. When these suggestions, which were irrelevant to the organization's functions or economical manages, were taken to the Board's interest, the Examine Panel instantly started an research. Prior to the realization the research, Mr. Dunn reconciled.

When the Examine Panel was first advised of the suggestions in mid-March 2012, it employed outside law company WilmerHale to perform a private research. In the interest of visibility and responsibility, the board made a investment to openly launch the conclusions.

Key conclusions of the research include:

· The CEO disregarded Organization policy by interesting in an incredibly close individual connection with a women personnel that adversely affected the office.

· The CEO's connection with the women personnel confirmed incredibly inadequate verdict and a lack of reliability, but the questions unveiled no neglect of Organization sources. The questions also unveiled no neglect of planes.

· Moreover, as part of the research, it was established that the Chairman of the Panel of Administrators functioned unnecessarily when he never bring the matter to the Examine Panel of the Panel of Administrators in Dec 2011, when the suggestions were first brought up with him.

"In Dec, when the perform of our then-CEO was taken to my interest, I faced him with the suggestions (which he denied), informed him his perform was totally undesirable and in contrast to Best Buy's guidelines and everything I, and the Organization, take a place for. I understand and take the conclusions of the Examine Panel," said Mr. Schulze.

In light of these conclusions, the Examine Panel of the Panel will launch an effort to evaluation and boost, if appropriate, Best Buy's appropriate business guidelines and techniques. The objective of this evaluation is to ensure a positive and constant office atmosphere for all workers at all stages.

In inclusion to choosing a new chairman, the independent directors of the board have shifted from a impartial place to a suggestions that the investors take the investor offer advising declassification of the Panel, which would require every manager to take a place for reelection on an yearly base.

"As a Panel, we assistance the offer for yearly elections as an additional display of our investment to powerful business government methods. Each of us - with no exclusions - will be topic to acceptance by the investors on an yearly base," said Mr. Tyabji.
The full review can be considered at

Investigation Methodology

The questions depended upon large interview, records and other information. The questions involved 45 interview of 34 present or former employees; looks of e-mails and other records on the CEO's and the women worker's computers; a evaluation of appropriate inner values complaints; a study of workers records; a evaluation of the CEO's and the women worker's purchase information using their workers discount; an research of the log of products the CEO examined as product samples; and an research of the CEO's and the women worker's Organization cellphone information. The Organization did not have entry to the CEO's complete personal mobile cellphone information. Moreover, the Organization's Internal Examine personnel conducted an in-depth research of expenditure reviews, information showing business use of planes, and information of the CEO's use of a Organization bank card over a three-year period.

Mr. Dunn's Separation Agreement

At the conclusion of the investigation, the Company reached a separation agreement with Mr. Dunn that includes value reflecting the increased period for a non-compete from one year, the standard company policy, to three years. The separation agreement is comprised of a previously earned bonus for FY 2012, vesting of previously awarded restricted stock, a severance payment and an unused vacation payment.

Previously earned FY2012 bonus: $1,140,000

Previously awarded and reported restricted stock grants of 131,876 shares, valued at close of business on Friday, May 11, 2012, ($19.28 per share), totaling $2,542,569

Severance payment of $2,850,000
Compensation for unused vacation: $106,742

Using the May 11, 2012, stock price for calculation, the estimated total value of the severance package is $6,639,311.

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